About Us

My journey into the world of pickleball started very similar to many others.  The pandemic created a lot of isolation, but as things loosened up there was a definite need to socialize and be amongst friends again.  We had a portable net so we just needed to find a flat surface to play the game.  We ended up having a great time!   All of us have played competitive tennis for many years so the initial transition wasn’t too hard, but little did we know what the game of pickleball really entailed.

What I came to realize is that pickleball is so much more than a game.  It offered everything I had been missing over the last few years in terms of community and socializing.  The spirit of pickleball was something I had never seen in tennis.  In pickleball, people of all abilities play with each other, there is always laughter involved, and the sense of community is off the charts.  Not only was pickleball the remedy for the pandemic in terms of bringing people together again, I believe pickleball is a game for all ages and abilities.  Pickleball for life!

Our Apparel

Our Mission

To enhance and embrace the true spirit of pickleball by offering fun, unique, and high quality items.



Our Values

Our values center around four main themes (4L):

  • Loving what you do
  • Living the life you are intended to
  • Laughing often
  • Learning in all things



Look for these tags on various items

  • eco friendly

  • USA made

  • organic

Pickleball For Life

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